
Yelena Losev, Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Abu-Hussien, Malak , Viswanathan, Guru Krishnakumar , Elyashiv-Revivo, Donna , Geries, Rana , Khalaila, Isam , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2021. Differential Effects Of Putative N-Glycosylation Sites In Human Tau On Alzheimer’s Disease-Related Neurodegeneration. Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences, 78, 5, Pp. 2231-2245.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Sargon, Alyssa B, Glass, Jennifer B, Hud, Nicholas V, and Williams, Loren Dean . 2021. Transition Metals Enhance Prebiotic Depsipeptide Oligomerization Reactions Involving Histidine. Rsc Advances, 11, 6, Pp. 3534-3538.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Rajaei, Vahab , Glass, Jennifer B, Hud, Nicholas V, and Williams, Loren Dean . 2021. Water And Life: The Medium Is The Message. Journal Of Molecular Evolution, 89, 1, Pp. 2-11.
Rebecca Guth-Metzler, Bray, Marcus S, Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Suttapitugsakul, Suttipong , Montllor-Albalate, Claudia , Bowman, Jessica C, Wu, Ronghu , Reddi, Amit R, Okafor, Denise C, and Glass, Jennifer B. 2020. Cutting In-Line With Iron: Ribosomal Function And Non-Oxidative Rna Cleavage. Nucleic Acids Research, 48, 15, Pp. 8663-8674.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Haynes, Jay W, Mohyeldin, Ahmad M, Martin, C, Sargon, Alyssa B, Petrov, Anton S, Krishnamurthy, Ramanarayanan , Hud, Nicholas V, Williams, Loren Dean , and Leman, Luke J. 2020. Mutually Stabilizing Interactions Between Proto-Peptides And Rna. Nature Communications, 11, 1, Pp. 1-14.
Yi Sun, Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Liotta, Charles L, and Grover, Martha A. 2020. The Ph Dependent Mechanisms Of Non-Enzymatic Peptide Bond Cleavage Reactions. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22, 1, Pp. 107-113.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Samanta, Mousumi , Ashkenasy, Gonen , and Leman, Luke J. 2020. Prebiotic Peptides: Molecular Hubs In The Origin Of Life. Chemical Reviews, 120, 11, Pp. 4707-4765.
Jessica C Bowman, Petrov, Anton S, Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Penev, Petar I, and Williams, Loren Dean . 2020. Root Of The Tree: The Significance, Evolution, And Origins Of The Ribosome. Chemical Reviews, 120, 11, Pp. 4848-4878.
Ashim Paul, Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Alvarez, Daniela Escobar , Milordini, Giulia , Gazit, Ehud , Zacco, Elsa , and Segal, Daniel . 2020. Tryptophan-Galactosylamine Conjugates Inhibit And Disaggregate Amyloid Fibrils Of Aβ42 And Hiapp Peptides While Reducing Their Toxicity. Communications Biology, 3, 1, Pp. 1-12.
Yelena Losev, Paul, Ashim , Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Abu-Hussein, Malak , Khalaila, Isam , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2019. Novel Model Of Secreted Human Tau Protein Reveals The Impact Of The Abnormal N-Glycosylation Of Tau On Its Aggregation Propensity. Scientific Reports, 9, 1, Pp. 1-10.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Haynes, Jay W, Martin, C, Petrov, Anton S, Burcar, Bradley T, Krishnamurthy, Ramanarayanan , Hud, Nicholas V, Leman, Luke J, and Williams, Loren Dean . 2019. Selective Incorporation Of Proteinaceous Over Nonproteinaceous Cationic Amino Acids In Model Prebiotic Oligomerization Reactions. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 116, 33, Pp. 16338-16346.
Moran Frenkel‐Pinter, Richman, Michal , Belostozky, Anna , Abu‐Mokh, Amjaad , Gazit, Ehud , Rahimipour, Shai , and Segal, Daniel . 2018. Distinct Effects Of O‐Glcnacylation And Phosphorylation Of A Tau‐Derived Amyloid Peptide On Aggregation Of The Native Peptide. Chemistry–A European Journal, 24, 53, Pp. 14039-14043.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Stempler, Shiri , Tal-Mazaki, Sharon , Losev, Yelena , Singh-Anand, Avnika , Escobar-Alvarez, Daniela , Lezmy, Jonathan , Gazit, Ehud , Ruppin, Eytan , and Segal, Daniel . 2017. Altered Protein Glycosylation Predicts Alzheimer's Disease And Modulates Its Pathology In Disease Model Drosophila. Neurobiology Of Aging, 56, Pp. 159-171.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Tal, Sharon , Scherzer-Attali, Roni , Abu-Hussien, Malak , Alyagor, Idan , Eisenbaum, Tal , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2017. Cl-Nqtrp Alleviates Tauopathy Symptoms In A Model Organism Through The Inhibition Of Tau Aggregation-Engendered Toxicity. Neurodegenerative Diseases, 17, 2-3, Pp. 73-82.
Marina Chemerovski‐Glikman, Frenkel‐Pinter, Moran , Mdah, Ragad , Abu‐Mokh, Amjaad , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2017. Inhibition Of The Aggregation And Toxicity Of The Minimal Amyloidogenic Fragment Of Tau By Its Pro‐Substituted Analogues. Chemistry–A European Journal, 23, 40, Pp. 9618-9624.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Shmueli, Merav Daniel , Raz, Chen , Yanku, Michaela , Zilberzwige, Shai , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2017. Interplay Between Protein Glycosylation Pathways In Alzheimer’s Disease. Science Advances, 3, 9, Pp. e1601576.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Raz, Chen , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2016. Boiling Reduces Glycan Detection Of Glycoproteins. Cibtech Journal Of Bio-Protocols, 5, 1, Pp. 4-8.
Moran Frenkel-Pinter, Tal, Sharon , Scherzer-Attali, Roni , Abu-Hussien, Malak , Alyagor, Idan , Eisenbaum, Tal , Gazit, Ehud , and Segal, Daniel . 2016. Naphthoquinone-Tryptophan Hybrid Inhibits Aggregation Of The Tau-Derived Peptide Phf6 And Reduces Neurotoxicity. Journal Of Alzheimer's Disease, 51, 1, Pp. 165-178.
Moran Frenkel‐Pinter, Richman, Michal , Belostozky, Anna , Abu‐Mokh, Amjaad , Gazit, Ehud , Rahimipour, Shai , and Segal, Daniel . 2016. Selective Inhibition Of Aggregation And Toxicity Of A Tau‐Derived Peptide Using Its Glycosylated Analogues. Chemistry–A European Journal, 22, 17, Pp. 5945-5952.
Ronit Shaltiel-Karyo, Frenkel-Pinter, Moran , Rockenstein, Edward , Patrick, Christina , Levy-Sakin, Michal , Schiller, Abigail , Egoz-Matia, Nirit , Masliah, Eliezer , Segal, Daniel , and Gazit, Ehud . 2013. A Blood-Brain Barrier (Bbb) Disrupter Is Also A Potent Α-Synuclein (Α-Syn) Aggregation Inhibitor: A Novel Dual Mechanism Of Mannitol For The Treatment Of Parkinson Disease (Pd). Journal Of Biological Chemistry, 288, 24, Pp. 17579-17588.